How to Level up your Brand in Q2
This year we are giving our brands all we got! What is your business mantra for ’23?
A friend of mine started the new year by saying “This year is for my brand, may I earn money, save money and grow my business”. I’ve heard others like “growth or nothing”, “23 is our brand’s year” and many more. Whatever the case may be, we believe mantras give some sense of motivation. To keep you focused on your goals.
So, with Q1 officially over and done with, it is safe to ask, how did it go? Good? Not so great? Maybe in the middle? One of the great things about quarterly reviews is that it provides you with a holistic view of the status of your brand, give some insight into your shortcomings and most importantly, it gives you a chance to analyse what’s working and what isn’t.
With all of this in mind, we put together some tips and tricks on how to have an even better Q2 regardless of how the first quarter went.
1. Do Over
We know how this might sound but don’t be afraid to begin again. We understand that no one wants to go back to the drawing board or be burdened with the thought that they may have wasted their first three months. We want to let you know that no successful brand ever got where they are without failing. It is very okay to make a mistake, not do as well as you thought you would or fail outrightly. This gives you the chance to start afresh and make changes. If you are in this category, look critically at your insights. Note down where you went wrong and start mapping out better strategies.
We assure you that doing this will better equip you to make better choices and take the right steps. A good place to start will be to read our post on how to begin your ’23.
2. Engaging Content
How many times do you stumble on content and not even give it the time of day? In Q2, quality over quantity. To keep your audience from swiping through, you should put out content that will get their attention immediately. We recommend you inculcate inbound marketing into your strategy, i.e content tailored towards your specific audience as opposed to just anyone. Consider more informative posts, more videos, and of course more reviews. People want relatable brands, those that have a human touch. It gives them the confidence that they are in safe hands.
3. Search Engine Optimisation
Without sounding like a broken record or one of the other blogs you must have read that have advised you to consider optimising your webpage for search engines, we would be doing you a disservice if we don’t let you know the importance of this. Search Engines are there to give your brand more visibility to your audience at the right time. It also helps to drive traffic to your web page which will, in turn, boost your customers’ journey positively and most times lead to a conversion. You may want to underestimate the power of SEO, but please don’t. These days, people look for specific things down to detail. You want to be the first brand that pops up once they click that search button.
We notice that SEO sounds like a whole lot of work but it doesn’t have to be. To get your website optimised and reach your clientele as soon as they search for what you do, consult with us and get your Q2 off to a good start.
4. Customer Service
It is important to note that while the online world is perfect for the promotion of your brand, on all fronts, your brand should be represented well. I remember a spa client I once visited saying they will never return because the staff was very impolite. To be frank, that day the spa didn’t lose only that customer and even though it didn’t directly affect me. I was also put off by how the lady was treated. In the mind of the average customer, one bad review means there are other bad reviews, so they avoid your brand. We must re-emphasise this, in this next quarter and the months after, make improvements to your customer service. Everyone likes to be treated well. Work on that and your clients will come back. If not for anything, for the fact that they are well taken care of.
5. Online & Offline Touchpoints
Touchpoints are very important when it comes to promoting your brand. In this next quarter, we advise you to:
1. Make a budget;
2. Give timelines for each promotion and decide on what platform you would want to be on; and
3. Put down the goal you would like to achieve for each promotion.
We recommend that you focus on online touchpoints like social media, display & banner ads, SMS promotions, ad campaigns and blogs; and offline touchpoints like store locations, flyers, posters and digital screens. These are good places to get yourself noticed.
Remember that mantra for the year? This year we are giving our brands all we got. Your Quarter Two is about to be unique we can feel it. If you would like to get more tips for a successful rest of your year watch this space.